“You can’t course-correct if you’re not doing anything.”
Friday 3 June 2016
It’s dandelion season!  Yards and roadsides are full of weeds.  Also, I’ve been on a yellow kick.  No surprise that one day while out driving, these caught my eye.


So, I stopped.



Never mind that it was way too sunny to shoot wide open and that time was short.   I stopped.  Even though nothing about the moment was perfect.  I acknowledged that something caught my eye and I didn’t fall into the I’ll-come-back-later trap. I stopped, when it would have been much easier to drive on.  Perfectionism is a real thing and it can be overcome.  By being willing to do something less than perfect…as you learn.

Sometimes when I give myself permission to stop, I keep moving.



Another Katie quote to help you beat the Resistance: 
“Don’t be paralyzed by overthinking, just create.”
BE in your life,